HomeEvents 2020-21Value Added Course on “Empathy and Ethics”

Value Added Course on “Empathy and Ethics”

Offered in collaboration with –

Course TitleEmpathy and Ethics
Resource PersonKingshuk Datta
PiCA Faculty Co-ordinatorTejashree Lakras, Shrish Jaiswal
Duration- Dates and Total Hours2nd to 6th February, 2021, Total 30 Hours
Total number of student
Biography of the
Resource Faculty
Kingshuk Datta is a passionate Architect, a Doctoral
Candidate at Technische Universitaet Wien (TUW),
Vienna, EU

Course Description: The workshop intended to raise awareness among the young adults towards being happy. It focusses on processes of how we make memories, emphasizes on being conscious of, and empathic towards the narratives of others, thereby forming a robust circle. It also seeks to lay out easy to form habitual methods, that allow mindfulness thereby increasing resilience against the increasing volatility of our contemporary world.

Course Objectives: During and after the workshop, the participant should be able

  1. To elucidate and critique their unbiased & mindful self-awareness,
  2. Formulate an easy read ‘Ready Reckoner’ Synopsis that is shareable
  3. To Understand and explain how empathy works
  4. Form a basis for a habitual ‘Self-Guided’ practice in day-to-day-life
Value-Added-Course-on-Empathy-and-Ethics (2)Screenshots- Day 1
Value-Added-Course-on-Empathy-and-Ethics (4)Screenshots- Day 2
Value-Added-Course-on-Empathy-and-Ethics (3)Screenshots- Day 3

Course Outcome: As a final submission, for issuance of a participatory certificate

1. A pointer based ‘Ready Reckoner’ Synopsis (), that shall be:
a. A4, Color, in *.pdf, min 3 pages, max. 10 pages,
b. Pecha-Kucha Format: 40% Image, 20 % Text, 40 Breather Space
c. Material for Comparative peer-assessment, at the final session
d. Further reading list for everyone
2. A worksheet template for habitual ‘Self-Guided’ practicing in future.

Course Title: Empathy and Ethics

Course Plan

DateUnit No.Description
2nd February, 2021Session 1The Session began with an introduction of all students and the speaker. The informal introductory beginning led students open up and talk more about their details of personal and architectural life
Session 2The session aimed at and conducted the extended discussion from session 1 on general behavioral patterns and students’s observation from an individual person's behaviours level to other public behaviours.
3rd February, 2021Session 1This session reflected upon the gist pointers from the last session and turned slowly towards what is empathy, what is empathetic attitude / language and how or why it is important in professional and personal life. The Session conductor shared a presentation drafting the list of pointers to develop this significant attitude in the day to day life and also shared his experiences while adopting the same
Session 2Students Working on assignment. An Assignment talking about the adoption of empathetic attitude and yet following ethics
4th February, 2021Session 1Reflecting upon the Assignments submitted in last session and slowly turning towards the significance of Ethics in Empathetic attitude development process and finally Ethics in personal and professional life, more specifically about architects
Session 2Session directed the previous discussion with a brief presentation by session conductor on the importance of implementation of ethics in professional life and how lack of the same can lead to the personal / professional loss substantially. Students were asked to share their experiences if any and the session ended with a a set of activities that students were supposed to perform in next two days
5th February, 2021Performing activities at personal capacity level in order to test the empathetic attitude that students have developed or aim to develop in future alongwith the implementation of ethics
6th February, 2021The last day concluded with the observation and inferences / feedbacks of students on the workshop at personal capacity level.